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Myths and Facts About Watermelon Benefits.

Watermelon is a fruit that people like to eat to cool down. Because it has a sweet and juicy taste In addition, many people believe that it has properties to help maintain and strengthen health in various ways. Whether it is the prevention of cardiovascular disease. antioxidant helps the blood flow as well as enhancing body movement performance. Can these beliefs really help? There have been studies to find scientific proof in various aspects as follows.

Prevent cardiovascular disease.

The health benefits of watermelon are widely believed by people to help reduce fat as a preventative method. This is because cardiovascular disease has risk factors from hypercholesterolemia and genetic variations. In addition, watermelon contains citrulline and arginine that help reduce fat in the blood. One study has shown that consuming a diet enriched with watermelon extract is an alternative treatment for hyperlipidemia. which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Patients with hypercholesterolemia were divided into 22 experimental groups and 21 control groups, and the experimental group took 6 grams of watermelon extract per day. While the control group took a carbohydrate supplement. The 42-day trial found that the subjects had lower levels of total cholesterol and bad fat. without changing triglycerides, good fats and low-lipoprotein fats UFABET

Watermelon is also rich in lycopene. 

Which is believed to reduce cholesterol levels and the interaction between fat and oxygen in the body. However, research investigating this has shown that lycopene in watermelon does not affect blood lipid concentrations or antioxidants in the body. Healthy participants were divided into two groups: Those on a low-lycopene diet without added lycopene. And the group who ate tomato juice or watermelon juice containing 20 mg of lycopene to see. If consuming lycopene foods could help prevent cardiovascular disease. The results showed that lycopene did not affect lipid and antioxidant concentrations in the body. Female participants had higher total cholesterol, HDL, and triglyceride concentrations than male participants.