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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

What are the causes of hair loss and how can you stop it?

What are the causes of hair loss and how can you stop it? It’s common and completely natural to lose as many as 100 hairs per day. But if you find yourself looking at the hairs in your shower drain and wondering if there’s a

Gum disease and erectile dysfunction: What’s the connection?

Gum disease and erectile dysfunction: What’s the connection? Having a fresh, healthy mouth not only looks and feels good. It may also have a surprising benefit for sexual well-being. Research suggests that maintaining good oral hygiene might help prevent erectile dysfunction (ED). A limit number of

How your weight can affect your sex life

How your weight can affect your sex life It’s well-established that maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk for several chronic diseases. But some people may not realize that it can also help keep your libido strong. And for men, taking steps to address excess

4 lifestyle habits that may lower the risk of erectile dysfunction

4 lifestyle habits that may lower the risk of erectile dysfunction What causes erectile dysfunction? Certain medical conditions or medications can interfere with the ability to achieve an erection. When this happens repeatedly, it is called erectile dysfunction. A fairly common condition, ED affects an

The Best Foods that Help Prevent Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

The Best Foods that Help Prevent Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Heat exhaustion is a heat-related illness that can occur after you’ve been exposed to high temperatures, and it often is accompanied by dehydration. There are two types of heat exhaustion: Although heat exhaustion isn’t